Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Late Afternoon Recon

I worked from home again today and it was sunny and beautiful all day.  By the time I could go for a ride it was late afternoon and the rain clouds were rolling in. I decided to go anyway because my destination was a place I want to frequent more often; the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge. It was so late by the time I got there the geese were lined up to come out of the water. Apparently even geese have to wait in line. "Everyone out of the pool".
We live fairly close to the refuge which makes it nice for returning often. The above photo was taken from the back side of the refuge looking east at Mt. Hood. There's an "S" curve on this road that I like to lean through. As I straighten up to lean left I got this view of the mountain. Mt. Hood has this uncanny ability to come into view when you least expect it. Actually a better way to say that is I knew I would see it, it's just that sometimes it really pops at you. I did some maneuvering to come back and get some photos. In the foreground you can see the buildings of the refuge.

I have much to learn about photographing birds and wildlife. I think a natural habitat like this will be a good "classroom". Another option is to try and sneak up on them on the motorcycle wearing day-glo green. 


  1. We nearly rode up to Tualatin NWR this past weekend. It's one of my "never been, but need to go" destinations. Now your pics have inspired me to pay a visit one of these days.

    Good luck sneaking up in day-glo green. The only ones who don't seem to see that color are the cagers.

    The refuge looks like a wonderful classroom.

  2. Mike:

    I have Day-Glo Orange (Olympia) . I think I could sneak up on them too. In the sun the Day-Glo orange is unbearably bright. I think it would BLIND the Geese long enough to complete the mission.

    bobskoot: wet coast scootin

  3. Hi Kari,
    When you think that you and Ron might ride up here please email me, maybe I can meet you there. I'd like to meet you both. Maybe we could also ride over to the Jackson Bottom Wetlands too - it's not that far from TNWR through the backroads. It would be a photo odyssey. :)

  4. That's good Bob! Blind the geese so we can get some good photos. I have the Olympia too in the green. We're Olympia Buds!

  5. Sure, sounds like fun.
    I have to admit I've never ridden with anyone but Ron. I'm intimidated by other riders. There, I admitted it. Also I'm not fun to ride with - pathetically slow in corners. And sometimes I decide I'm going too fast and have to slow down...and I forget to turn off my blinker sometimes...But, if ya still want to...

    I like rural Washington co. we've done a few drives and even a bicycle ride on some of the backroads. Nice area.

  6. I don't know, not turning blinkers off is just not up to my riding standards. We'll have to just go on straight roads so we don't use blinkers. Of course I'm kidding! You're probably thinking of my recent post about being behind the slow guy in the rain. Trust me, I'm not a speed freak! It's entirely up to you and Ron. We don't have to ride any where together.

    I went to the refuge again last night around dusk and met another guy taking pictures. He told me where to find a Screech Owl which I guess is pretty rare. I think this might be my new hang out!

  7. Ha Ha just wear New Holland Blue...every time we drive the tractor all the critters just stay put. Get off and the run for the hills! What's up with that Mike!!

    Great photos. I love that Mountain. You wouldn't catch me on it but it is beautiful to see.

  8. Thanks for the tip Eve... New Holland Blue, I'll have to try that! :)

  9. Hi Mike. We'd love to. We'll have to figure out a time. I just wanted to be sure you knew what you'd be getting into. :)

    A screech owl would be a cool photo op. I don't think I've seen one in the wild.


  10. No problem Kari - it all sounds good. If you think you two will ever want to go there just let me know. If I can join you I will. ;)
