Saturday, March 26, 2011

It Looks Like Ben-Hur had a Choice...

... either a chariot or a Vespa.


  1. Mike:

    You had a choice too, BUT you sold your Vespa .

    bobskoot: wet coast scootin

  2. Seems the perfect choice to me. Horses are just trouble...

  3. Nice find on the photo - lol!

    Yes, too bad you sold yours. I totally think you should have found a nice Roman outfit for when you go riding! :)

  4. Stacey: I thought it was funny too!

    Bob: I haven't sold it yet. I keep putting it off then I ride it on an errand and realize it's too much fun and decide to keep it. With gas up to $4+ I'm really torn between keeping it or selling it and getting top dollar. :-)

    Steve: I agree - I like that!

    Kari: Okay, watch for me somewhere in Salem. Red Vespa and Roman outfit! :-)

  5. Let me know when you plan that Salem ride. I have got to get photos of that!

  6. Dan,
    No way, you'll get me back good!

  7. Hoping you would not be offended, I corrected an oversight tonight and added you to the links on my blog. I also cleaned the list up a bit, literally and figuratively. :)

  8. Dan,
    Thank you. That's nice of you to support this blog. You were my first "follower"! I appreciate it brother!
