Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Life's Unexpected Events

Sea foam is always changing.  It's always growing as well as receding.  It's a result of agitation of the elements in the seawater.  Interesting how that works.  When life throws a curve I find that I can either learn from it and grow or give in to the fear and worry and turn inward and recede.  You can probably identify with those choices.

I had surgery last Thursday for one of life's unexpected events.  I'll have more details to follow.  I haven't ridden in a few weeks and I can't ride for a few more days.  Besides, I want to wait to post until after I can once again experience the exhilaration of riding.

God's speed.


  1. I've been wondering about you - and praying for you. I am hoping you are okay and will heal quickly so you can get back out and enjoy riding. Thanks for checking in ...

  2. Dont know what happend, but I hope you get on the bike again soon.

  3. Heal up well, Mike. I hope and pray you have a quick recovery, peace of mind, and a return to good health. Miss your postings, but take care of you!

    Hugs and God Bless!

  4. Every Good Wish from Down Under Mike - thinking of you and hope that the recovery is rapid.

    Take care,


  5. Get well soon Mike. We want to hear that you are rolling down the road on two wheels (or two legs) as quickly as you can. Best wishes from London.

  6. Mike:

    Luckily the weather is on your side. You aren't missing anything

    you are doing what we are doing. Get well soon

    Wet Coast Scootin

  7. Thank you everyone for your kind words. I'm doing well and will write an update soon. Have a wonderful and safe rest of the week!

  8. Mike, I wish you a speedy recovery. Hope you get back in the saddle soon. SonjaM

  9. Don't rush the recovery. Take your time and heal up right. I look forward to hear when you are back on two wheels.


  10. Hope you are healed up soon. At least it came in the middle of winter.

