Saturday, June 19, 2010

Brief Update

Nary a motorcycle or scooter in this popular spot. It kind of represents my riding lately... empty or at least spotty. For most of the week I've been fighting some sort of virus that must be going around. It's not like a cold. It's a general state of crumminess with laryngitis and occasional coughing fits. And a fuzzy mental state that's not too conducive to piloting a motorcycle.

With that in mind I haven't had anything to post regarding motorcycling. But I don't want this blog to fizzle out so I thought I would check in with this brief update.

In the last week I've started about three posts. But the truth is I haven't felt the desire to post. Maybe it's partly due to the run-down feeling but I think it also has something to do with my focus on this blog. I'm thinking that I haven't been true to the title. Sure, I've been riding and we all think, but I don't do posts on what I think about. So I'm going to either have to do posts on what I think about or just stop thinking. Or maybe change the name of the blog so I don't have to stop thinking. Nah, I think I'll do some posts which include more thoughts during the day's travels.

I did go for a ride earlier. I rode over to our oldest daughter's garage sale. Our granddaughter had a lemonade stand with cookies too. Since all I had was a $10 bill I owe her some coin. She's such a sweetie!

Later I rode to the BMW shop to figure out the best way to wire-up my Garmin GPS. My wife won it in a drawing a couple of years ago. I haven't mounted it to the bike yet but I'm riding to the central Oregon Coast for a couple of days next week and I thought it would come in handy.

This little wiring pigtail will allow me to rig the power cable directly into the Beemer's electrical system without messing up the tricky Canbus system. The other option is to wire things directly to the battery with a fuse block but this will be a nice way to make it the way BMW intended with their accessory Garmin. The factory leaves a connection tucked under and in front of the triple tree for accessories.

I hope you've been able to ride this weekend. To all the Dads out there, Happy Father's Day!

Stay focused.


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon. It's tough to be thinking when the brain is all fuzzy.

    One of these days we need to make the jump to GPS. I know I'd like having the navigation, but I hate learning new techy stuff. Good luck with the wiring

  2. Thank you Kari. I haven't felt the urge to have the GPS on the bike until lately. This might sound funny but I know where I'm going all the time. But I guess that means I'm always in familiar territory which can be boring at times. Our neighbor who also rides said that his GPS comes in handy on new twisty roads so he can see turns coming up. That alone would be worth it. Also, I think it would be fun to take off somewhere and get lost then hit the "home" button. Or vise versa!

  3. I use my GPS all the time when I'm not just commuting. I use a handheld Garmin (60csx with street maps loaded) and I upload the tracks to my computer. Plus the speedometer on my old Beemer is very inaccurate. Not simply x% high or low but, depending on the speed, it could be either.

    Nice shot, BTW.

  4. Richard,
    I googled your GPS - wow, that's a nice unit! Mine is a cheapo for a car (205W), but it works okay for what I'll need. I just got it all hooked up this afternoon. Works great! In Alaska I would think a GPS would really help. Thank you.

  5. Awww get better soon Mike! I love that poppy photograph. We sure needed a garmin a few weeks ago when we were out on the bikes!! Now I put the one for my car in my hubbies saddle bag just in case. Good luck with that I bet it will come in very handy.
    We acutally rode this weekend for a little bit...all I could think of was how much I love to ride my new bike. Keep thinking and keep riding!

  6. Mike:

    I may have had the same "bug" you had, a non energetic feeling. then I had a foot problem and could hardly walk, let alone ride, even though i did anyway. Most evenings I didn't even turn my computer on. And now the weekend has been non-stop and I am tired, just want to flake out and turn the computer off and call it a day. You are not alone

    and I still don't feel like my normal self yet.

    I don't think I could function without a GPS on the bike. I use it on unfamiliar roads to know ahead which way the road goes. Plus it is my speedometer

    and don't stop thinking

    bobskoot: wet coast scootin

  7. Eve,
    Thank you! It's good to hear you two are out riding. I'll bet those Harleys sound nice together. Please post some pics on one of your rides!

    I hope your foot is better and you get to feeling 100% again soon.

    My son and I could've used the GPS last weekend when we went on a ride. That kind of made me realize it'll come in handy sometimes. Like you said, for the unfamiliar roads it'll be good too.
    Thank you - take care.

  8. Must be some general blog lethargy thing. A lot of us seem to be affected! All my energy is going into working and teaching these days.

  9. Dan,
    I like that, "Blog lethargy". It's actually an illness! You've been blogging so long you've probably have built up a good resistance. Take care!
