Two years ago today the liftgate on the delivery truck touched down on our driveway with the Beemer. Little did I know it would begin an adventure that I still can't believe I get to enjoy.
I've met so many wonderful people as a result of riding. Being among those who experience the thrill of straddling a motorcycle is a privilege. As the weather warms and more riders take to the roads it's great to see how many choose this form of traveling. I've made a personal commitment to wave to all other riders. I figure they deserve a salute of respect for being on two wheels.
The other night one of our daughters reminded me that the motorcycle was responsible for getting a new sales account. I had been trying to sell the hospital for years and getting no where, not even an appointment. One morning as I rode into the parking lot I saw one of the engineers working on his motorcycle. I walked over and starting talking with him while he adjusted his clutch cable. He was on his morning break. We didn't talk business at all - only motorcycles. When we went inside he introduced me to his manager and said that they should start having me come around regularly and buying from us. I was pleasantly surprised.
Yesterday, just before leaving the park where I took the first photo a man and his wife and son pulled into the lot in this well restored Toyota Landcruiser. He drove around the grassy circle raising one and sometimes two wheels off the ground while his wife took pictures. It was fun to watch and a unique way to get on two wheels.
As I wrote one year ago today, I had no idea that riding would grip me the way it has when I began riding again 3 years ago. "And with the number of riding years ahead of me dwindling, I'm going to continue to enjoy as many miles as the good Lord will allow."
Again, I wish you many enjoyable and safe riding miles.
God's speed.
Inspiration Versus Desperation
3 days ago